What We Do

The Green Schools Project is designed to provide practical solutions in the fight against climate change, putting climate education and actions at the heart of school’s sustainability plan.

The project focuses on the following activities;

The integration of climate change education as part of the schools’ activities helps students understand and address the impacts of climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to act as agents of change. The curriculum integrates concepts from the earth, life and physical science as well as the most current data on climate systems to help student understand the phenomena of climate change, the justification for these phenomena, and why these phenomena are both scientifically and socially important.

The cumulative impact include;

Reducing carbon emissions by protecting natural habitat and improving air quality

Improved sustainability literacy among schools; leveraging on interdisciplinary instructional practices

Reduced food insecurity and its accompanying health implications in schools An empowered generation of social entrepreneurs & intrapreneurs

Reducing carbon emissions by protecting natural habitat and improving air quality

Improved sustainability literacy among schools; leveraging on interdisciplinary instructional practices

Reduced food insecurity and its accompanying health implications in schools An empowered generation of social entrepreneurs & intrapreneursng virtual reality is our forte. We can provide you with an outstanding virtual reality project.